Matthew Sebastian Michael Gaffen FMP Log

Tuesday 4 May 2010

What's going down:

After a very productive meeting with W.P.Onak It feels like I may have finally crystallised what is going to be produced over the next month.

Three short fashion films:


A short film made in tribute to the late Alexander McQueen. The colours on my walking animation need much improvement as they do nowhere near enough justice to his 'Plato's Atlantis' show. The challenge in producing this piece is in making the 'pixel' characters relevant to contemporary fashion - the guys really like the work, but at the moment it feels a little dated.

All that is needed to realise this piece is a computer and TIME


Fashion film that plays on the notion of 'material'. This comprises of a short ident for MATERIAL utilising 'hot ice' and a magnetised, sculptural fashion piece that will cause black ferrofluid to climb over a model's head. when the power is cut, the black fluid will shower the figure beneath it.

I will be utilising Six-Creative's camera facilities and either their studio or a warehouse location which I will be scouting out this weekend as I believe the weekends are the only times I can be granted access. I am currently contacting a number of fashion designers who work with metal on producing an item that can be used the carry the fluid.

I will be buying the ingredients for the fluid in the next few days - magnetic toner for laser printers and oil. I also need to purchase so sodium acetate to produce the hot ice, and create a mould for the material logo in which I can place the aforementioned fluid.


A narrative fashion installation, a camera is placed on a fixed track and guided in a continuous take through an installation showcasing a fashion designer's work. As the camera passes through the installation the appropriate areas are activated, which produces a dynamic atmosphere for each piece.

I will be shooting this piece in the warehouse again, depending on its suitability. the installation will be created mostly through the use of structured lighting and light sensors. Sound for the piece will be produced by myself, feeding from experiments from last year.

I am currently talking to a few designers who may be willing to have their work exhibited in this style. It is imperative to establish who this is going to be this week if it is going to be feasible to complete this film before the end of the month.

No working diagrams exist as yet as it is necessary to see the warehouse before I begin proper planning. However I should have some initial diagrams up later tonight or tomorrow morning, after discussing feasibility with my technical advisor I will have a better idea.

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